Join a Small Group or Enjoy an Activity

Everyone can belong to one of our many small groups but there is no obligation to do so. These groups range across all sorts of activities – for example: the choir, social justice group, study group, play group, youth group, tennis club, fellowship or a social group. These groups nurture the friendships and pastoral care for which Highfield Road Uniting Church Canterbury is renowned.

Play Group / Term Time -Thursdays          10am-11am

“New applications” are welcome for 2023.  Our children’s pre-school playgroup meets on Thursday morning, in term time, within the church foyer. Playgroup begins with a craft activity, music and action songs. This is followed by a story, morning tea, free play with toys, blocks, play dough and books. Everyone is welcome. Cost – $5 per family.

Contact email: 

Community Activities

Social Justice

Our congregation is active in mission in many ways, both personally and as a community.  For many years, we have coordinated recycling bins on behalf of UnitingCare Lentara and we support numerous other projects and appeals. We would be pleased to engage with you as to how you might support us in our Social Justice activities, creating opportunities for children, families and individuals to flourish in a fair and generous community. 

Contact us at


Community Activities

Choir Rehearsals – Thursdays 8-9:30pm

A choir has been a feature of worship from our earliest days. The choir leads the singing from Together In Song and performs anthems, sung responses, chants and communion settings.  Singers of all ages who love to praise God in song are welcome to join this friendly group.  No experience is necessary.

Community Activities

Study/Fellowship Groups

There is always more to learn about the faith. A number of small groups meet monthly for study and personal support. Bible study groups are also held at other times.

Community Activities


This women’s group meets monthly on Monday or Tuesday at 6.30pm for a ‘cheap and cheerful’ meal in a local restaurant. The Damsels share laughter and conversation and support each other. Another group of Senior Damsels also enjoys a monthly lunch at a local venue. All are welcome.

Community Activities

Men’s Mumblers

This men’s group enjoys dinner, good fun and convivial conversation at a monthly gathering, which is held in a home or restaurant. There are no rules, other than to enjoy good discussion over a meal. A Christmas BBQ is an end of year highlight.

Community Activities

Breakfasts & Concerts

Breakfasts are held quarterly before Sunday worship. The wider community is invited to hear interesting speakers explore a variety of current issues.
Sunday afternoon concerts are another activity for the wider community to enjoy. Our musicians enjoy sharing their talents with performers from other organisations and the excellent acoustics in the church provide a perfect setting for these performances.
See Key Dates for details

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Community Time

Movie afternoons, morning lecture breakfasts/lunches or activities such Trivia are held throughout the year (Covid permitting).  Such gatherings explore a variety of themes which aim to be relevant to daily life and faith.

See Key Events for details

Community Activities

Craft group – Creative Capers

Whether you are crafty or not, our Tuesday Craft groups are an welcoming opportunity to do some knitting, crocheting, patchwork, sewing or just sit and share experiences. Fellowship and support are a focus of those who attend, and if you would like to join us, just walk in the door and say hello. All are welcome.

The group meets on Tuesday, alternating between a morning or afternoon gathering.

Craft group gathering

Youth Group

We love the presence of young people in our congregation.  We are pleased when we are able to organise fun-loving, and thoughtful group gatherings which allow them to meet regularly and enjoy spiritual and social activities.  

youth group

Tennis Club

Tennis has provided a point of social contact at Highfield Rd for over 70 years. We have one court, which is enjoyed by many families that live in the local area. New players to the club are always welcome, either as full members or casual players. Richard Nixon T 0408996799 will be happy to provide further information.

Coaching by a tennis professional is also available on weekdays in term time  – for further  information please contact TopTenn Tennis T 98306618 

Community Activities

Charity Bin Collections

Our charity bins support the work of Uniting Care Lentara and we are very grateful for donations from the community.

Community Activities